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2024-04-24 来源:互联网

COMP282 – The C++ Programming Language
University of Liverpool
Department of Computer Science
Assignment CA1 : C++ Console Application
1 Rubric
• Code Structure (10%)
– Code Organisation (5%) : Marks for separation of declarations (.h files) and
implementations (.cpp files), and logical organisation within files.
– Commenting and Documentation (5%) : Marks for comments in code explaining the purpose and functionality of classes, methods, and significant or
complex blocks of code.
• Application of Object-Oriented Programming (30%)
– Class Design (10%) : Marks for correct implementation of required classes,
proper use of inheritance (e.g., Monster and Player derived from Character),
and the implementation of all required methods.
– Encapsulation and Data Hiding (10%) : Marks for correct use of access modifiers (public, private) to ensure data encapsulation and for following the principle of least privilege.
– Use of STL Containers and Iterators (10%): Marks for effective use of STL
containers (e.g., vectors) and iterators for managing game objects, including
items and characters.
• Game Mechanics and Logic (40%)
– Game Map and Navigation (10%): Marks for the successful creation and linking of game locations, as well as the implementation of navigation commands.
– Item and Monster Management (10%): Marks for correctly adding items and
monsters to locations, through the use of the addItem and addMonster methods, and for the logic that handles player interactions with these elements.
– Combat System (10%): Marks for correct combat logic implementation, including the rollDice function, combat sequence, damage calculation, defeat
handling and the effects of armour and different weapons.
– Inventory and Item Usage (10%) : Marks for the correct implementation of inventory management, including collecting items, sorting, and using items (e.g.,
drinking potions, using armour, monsters discarding items when defeated).
• Robustness (10%)
– Error Handling and Game Stability (10%): Marks for the game’s ability to
cope with invalid inputs, and stability during gameplay.
• Creativity and Enhancement (10%)
– Extra marks for creative additions beyond the basic requirements, including
additional game features that enhance player experience, and good, efficient
or advanced use of appropriate C++.

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