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2024-04-24 来源:互联网

COMP2013 Data Structures and Algorithms
Programming Assignment 2 Deadline: 10:00am, 22th April, 2024
 Submit the soft-copy of your program to Learn@PolyU
 You can only submit one program file (either C++ or Java or Python),
and the filename must follow the format below.
Language Filename format Filename example
C++ mainStudentID.cpp main10987654d.cpp
Java mainStudentID.java main10987654d.java
Python mainStudentID.py main10987654d.py
- We only accept file types in .cpp, .java, .py. We do not accept file types like .ipynb, .h, etc.
Section 1. Problem
You have n pipes with lengths in meters. You need to connect all these pipes into one pipe. You can
connect two pipes into one at a time. For two pipes with length i and j meters respectively, the cost to
connect them is

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