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2024-04-29 来源:互联网

Project (15%): Creating a web page from other web sites
The goal of this project is to gather the live information from the Internet to create
new web contents based on the theme you choose. That’s how web sites like Google
News (http://news.google.com) work. You are requested to submit the codes and the
output results.
1. Create a new class called Web. Put the new methods in this class. (3%)
2. Create a web page of the information you think important from at least three
other web sites (3%).
3. Add pictures, a link to the sound file which will play the sound when the user
clicks on the link, add something that will make random, relevant comments
about your theme depending on the live contents (3%).
4. Enlarge a picture when mouse clicks on it (2%).
5. Write a program to ask the user to input a word for spelling check and then
use a dictionary on the Internet to check whether the spelling is correct or not.
Allow to use other web development tools for a dynamic webpage. (2%).
6. Effort for a well-structured webpage (2%). 

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[ 编辑: code ]
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