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BPM Partners and BARC Join Forces to Deliver First of Its Kind Global CPM Priorities and Trends Rese

2024-04-10 来源:BPM Partners

Report Will Combine Data from the 2024 BPM Pulse and The Planning Survey 24

STAMFORD, Conn. and WÜRZBURG, Germany, April 10, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - BPM Partners, the leading independent authority on business performance management (BPM/CPM/EPM), and BARC, a leading analyst firm for data & analytics and enterprise software, today announced plans to release a new research report to provide an up-to-date worldview of the 2024 CPM market. This comprehensive document will combine data from two of the major surveys in this space: BPM Partners’ 2024 BPM Pulse and BARC’s The Planning Survey 24.

The BPM Partners team, led by founder and CEO Craig Schiff, and the BARC team, led by Dr. Christian Fuchs will analyze the data jointly. Combining these data sets into one report will provide an unprecedented view of this market covering a broad range of demographics. This research report will deliver valuable guidance and benchmarking data for end user organizations planning their own performance management projects. Also, vendors will gain an understanding of how their customers and prospects use these systems and what they need.

“The BPM Pulse is the longest running survey of performance management customers and prospects. Combining its results with the BARC Planning survey, the largest survey of planning customers in the world, will create a broad and deep set of data to analyze.” said Craig Schiff. “We are excited to work with BPM Partners on this joint research project to provide new levels of understanding and value to end user organizations and vendors around the world,” said Dr. Christian Fuchs, Head of Data & Analytics Research at BARC.

While the BARC Planning Survey 24 has completed its data collection phase, the 2024 BPM Pulse survey is still open for input. End user organizations can take the survey here: 2024 BPM Pulse survey and add their voices to this groundbreaking research project. Respondents will also receive the BPM Pulse results report and a gift card for their participation.

The jointly developed Global CPM Priorities and Trends research report is expected to be released this summer.

About BPM Partners
BPM Partners is the leading independent authority on business performance management (BPM/CPM/EPM) and related business intelligence solutions and has been recognized by Forbes as one of America’s Best Management Consulting Firms. The company helps organizations address their budgeting, planning, financial consolidation, close and reporting, regulatory compliance, profitability optimization, key performance indicator (KPI) development, and operational performance challenges. Vendor-neutral experts guide companies through their BPM initiatives from start to finish while both reducing risk and minimizing costs. For further details, go to BPMPartners.com. Follow BPM Partners on Twitter @BPMTeam and LinkedIn BPM Partners | LinkedIn.

About BARC
BARC is a leading analyst firm for data & analytics and enterprise software with a reputation for unbiased and trusted advice. Our expert analysts deliver a wide range of research, events, and advisory services for the data & analytics community. Our innovative research evaluates software and vendors rigorously and highlights market trends, delivering insights that enable our customers to innovate with data, analytics and AI. BARC’s 25 years of experience with data strategy & culture, data architecture, organization and software selection help clients transform into truly data-driven organizations. For further details, go to BARC.com. Follow BARC on LinkedIn BARC | LinkedIn.


Media Contacts:
Bobbie Carlton, Axel Bange,
Carlton PR & Marketing, Inc. BARC
(781) 718-7619 +49 931 880 651 0
Bobbie@CarltonPRMarketing.com ABange@BARC.com
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