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Ascom Annual General Meeting approves increased dividend payout of CHF 0.30

2024-04-17 来源:Ascom Holding AG

Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR

Baar, Switzerland, April 16, 2024

At the Annual General Meeting held in Zug on April 16, 2024, the shareholders of Ascom Holding AG approved all proposals of the Board of Directors by a large majority, except for the Remuneration Report.

The Annual General Meeting was attended by 79 shareholders. A total of 23’654’461 registered shares with voting rights were represented, which corresponds to 65,7 % of the share capital.

The Annual General Meeting approved most proposals of the Board of Directors with a large majority, including the report on non-financial matters and the payout of an increased dividend of CHF 0.30 per share.

However, the shareholders rejected the remuneration report with a slight majority in a consultative vote. The Board of Directors values this feedback and will consider it in its future assessment of the compensation policy.

Dr. Monika Krüsi was elected as a new member of the Board of Directors, replacing Dr. Andreas Schönenberger, who did not stand for re-election. Moreover, the shareholders re-elected the current members Dr. Valentin Chapero Rueda, Nicole Burth Tschudi, Laurent Dubois, Jürg Fedier and Michael Reitermann for another term of office of one year. Dr. Valentin Chapero Rueda was confirmed also as Chairman of the Board of Directors.


[ 编辑: GlobeNewswire ]
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