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KFSH&RC Ranked Top Valuable Healthcare Brand in Saudi Arabia and Middle East

2024-05-03 来源:King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia, May 02, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - KFSH&RC tops the healthcare sector in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Middle East, recognizing it as the most valuable healthcare brand in these regions for the second year. According to the 2024 Brand Finance reports, it placed 9th in Saudi Arabia and 28th in the Middle East. Additionally, KFSH&RC stands out as the only hospital worldwide to be ranked among its country's top ten most valuable brands.

The Brand Finance Report shows that KFSH&RC brand value increased by 31%, exceeding 5.6 billion Saudi Riyals, equivalent to USD 1.5 billion. This increase is the result of the hospital's unwavering commitment to incorporating the latest medical technologies and treatments and providing specialized medical care that adheres to the latest international standards.

Reflecting on KFSH&RC's global recognition, Mr. Muhannad Kadi, the Chief Corporate Communications & Marketing Officer, commented, “This accomplishment underscores the hospital's dedication to achieving the highest quality standards and providing outstanding healthcare, as well as the significant value it delivers to its beneficiaries.” He emphasized that the hospital's position among the top ten most valuable brands in Saudi Arabia not only highlights its effectiveness but also the positive impact of the ongoing transformations within the Kingdom's healthcare sector.

Over the past year, KFSH&RC has achieved several notable milestones that have significantly contributed to its brand strength and reputation. These include conducting four ground-breaking experiments in space medicine, performing the World's first fully robotic liver transplant, and launching a rapid whole genome sequencing analysis service available to all beneficiaries. Furthermore, KFSH&RC celebrated the successful treatment of 100 T-cell lymphoblastic leukemia patients, a testament to our advanced medical capabilities and dedication to patient care.

In line with Saudi Vision 2030 and its transformation programs, initiated by His Royal Highness, the Crown Prince and Prime Minister—which aim to enhance the Kingdom's global position and establish it as a healthcare hub—KFSH&RC has been ranked as the top Academic Medical Centre in the Middle East and Africa. It also secured the 20th spot globally for two consecutive years, 2023 and 2024, according to Brand Finance's Global Top 250 Hospitals report. Additionally, it has been ranked among the top 250 Best Hospitals in the World by Newsweek Magazine.

For more information please contact:

Mr. Essam Al-Zahrani, Acting Media Affairs Head, 0555254429

Mr. Abdullah Alown, Senior Media Affairs Editor, 0556294232

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