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From Backpackers to Beckham; Mallorca's Concierge For Fresh-Off-The-Boat Travellers


Max Ventures is ready to help newcomers to the Balearic island, with a wide range of services for both businesses and individuals 

Palma de Mallorca, May 23, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Max Ventures, an established co-working space and startup accelerator in Palma de Mallorca, Spain, has expanded its offerings beyond workplace solutions. It now offers assistance ranging from acquiring Spanish residency to utilising the notorious Beckham tax Law. Its network of lawyers, accountants and business consultants also facilitate company incorporation, web design, accountancy, bookkeeping, and tax advice.

“In our work with startups, we realised that building a business isn’t just about having a good idea; the tricky part is structuring a functional company around it,” says Toni Grunwald, Managing Partner at Max Ventures. “Many newcomers to the island find the local bureaucracy stressful, so we have put together a team to try to streamline the arrival process, and get them to the startup stage”.

In the popular neighbourhood of El Terreno, the Max Ventures office is conveniently located above a multi-story carpark, second line to Palma’s waterfront. Having established itself as a popular co-working office and startup accelerator, the company is now moving toward helping brand new arrivals on the island to navigate the labyrinth of bureaucracy that may seem daunting to those who do not know where to start. Once the initial hurdles have been overcome, it also offers business and administrative support including monthly and annual accounting, establishing business procedures and tax declaration services.

“Mallorca is a hugely popular place for foreigners to live, but many struggle to settle if they do not speak the local language or know the intricacies of the system,” says Toni. “We can offer support in German, Dutch, Ukrainian, English, Swedish, Spanish, and French.”

Max Ventures
Plaza Remigia Caubet 5 07014 Palma de Mallorca

+34 604 306 558
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