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Pangea Wins Prestigious Quality Award

2024-06-25 来源:Pangea

Leather Manufacturer Prioritizes Quality & Customer Service

Rochester Hills, MI, June 24, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Pangea is thrilled to announce that it has received the prestigious Certificate of Achievement in Quality Performance for 2023 from Toyota Motor Corporation (TMC). This esteemed award recognizes Pangea's outstanding quality performance in supplying leather for several Toyota and Lexus models produced in Japan, including the Lexus RX, Lexus ES, Ace, Camry, and Rav4.

The award highlights Pangea's significant improvements in quality, displaying a remarkable 50% improvement from 2022. This accomplishment underscores the company's unwavering commitment to excellence and its dedication to meeting the highest standards for its customers and organization.

"We are proud to share this Certificate of Achievement in Quality Performance for 2023 from TMC," said Ron Main, Director, Global Customer Quality of Pangea. "This recognition is a testament to our passion and dedication to our customers. It is a well-deserved achievement for our entire team."

The journey to this honor was not without its challenges, the customer appreciated the Pangea team’s unwavering support. Of note, Pangea held monthly leather working meetings with Toyota and their seat suppliers to review parts with a primary goal to educate and calibrate to program requirements.

These well-developed customer relationships and the substantial improvement in quality for 2023 have re-established Pangea as a steadfast supplier to TMC. The Quality Performance Award from TMC is a recognition of Pangea's commitment to excellence and its role as a trusted partner.

Jacquelyn Smith
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