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2024-06-27 来源:互联网


纽约时间6月25日,国家元首访谈栏目《邓婷访谈》创始人邓婷在纽约最著名酒店大亨林建中主席的维珍酒店发布预告,成立耀隆国际传媒集团。耀隆国际传媒集团旗下出品《邓婷访谈》,联合国环球小姐大赛,联合国天使宝贝大赛。State Leaders Interview Column《Murphy Interviews》founder Murphy DENGTing announced the establishement of KING LONG International Media Inc. in New York. The KING LONG International Media Inc. produces《Murphy Interviews》,Miss Global Pageant in Support of UN 17SDGs & Angel Baby Competition in Support of UN 17 SDGs.

耀龙国际传媒集团创始人邓婷KING LONG International Media Inc. Founder Murphy DENGTing

纽约时间6月25日,受全球最知名酒店大亨林建中主席邀请的国际著名酒店地产界、银行界、媒体界等荣耀贵宾近300人搭乘世界各城市航班安全抵达纽约,下榻在林建中主席旗下纽约维珍酒店。晚宴现场,纽约维珍酒店高朋满座、举杯共饮、欢庆林建中主席带领的美国酒店地产总商会西部分会成功筹备。Around 300 honorary representatives from globally cutting-edge entrepreneurs, bankers,media fields,etc gathering at hotel tycoon John Lam’s New York Virgin Hotel to attend the Gala Dinner for Preparatory Establishment of America Hotel Owners Charitable Association West Coast Branch in the evening of June 25.

纽约酒店大王林建中主席与耀龙国际传媒集团创始人邓婷Hotel Tycoon John Lam & KING LONG International Media Inc. Founder Murphy DENGTing

林建中主席在美国酒店地产总商会西部分会筹备晚宴现场致辞Chairman John Lam for Gala Dinner for Preparatory Establishment of America Hotel Owners Charitable Association West Coast Branch

12-11 FRESCA™ Mixed Helps Fans Keep Drinks Cool and Hands Warm with Après Ski’s Hottest New Accessory—the
FRESCA™ Mixed Helps Fans Keep Drinks Cool and Hands Warm with Après Ski’s Hottest New Accessory—the
The ready-to-drink cocktail brand is giving fans 21 and olde [详细]
09-11 新质生产力引领未来:大族激光与创维商学共探智能制造新机遇
      智能制造作为未来制造业的发展方向,正逐渐成为各国提升 [详细]
01-16 南通移动携手华为完成400G OTN试点测试,引领绿色通信新发展
南通移动携手华为完成400G OTN试点测试,引领绿色通信新发展
  近日,南通移动联合华为在南通开发区公交停车场节点机房、祥 [详细]
10-28 我们一起抓住电力物联网建设及科技强军的重大机遇-欣影科技
海欣影电力科技股份有限公司(“欣影科技”,新三板股票代码:831144) [详细]