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Iveco Group 2023 Full Year and Fourth Quarter Results

2024-02-09 来源:Iveco Group N.V.

The following is an extract from the “Iveco Group 2023 Full Year and Fourth Quarter Results” press release.
The complete press release can be accessed by visiting the media section of the Iveco Group corporate website: https://www.ivecogroup.com/media/corporate_press_releases or consulting the accompanying PDF:

Iveco Group consolidated revenues of €16 billion (up 13% year-on-year).

Adjusted EBIT of €940 million (up €413 million compared to 2022)

and adjusted net income of €352 million (up €127 million compared to 2022).

Positive free cash flow of Industrial Activities of €412 million.

Recommended annual cash dividend of €0.22 per common share.

Capital Markets Day to be held on 14th March 2024.

Consolidated revenues of €16,213 million, up 12.9%. Net revenues of Industrial Activities of €15,877 million, up 12.1%, mainly due to positive price realisation and higher volumes and mix.

Adjusted EBIT of €940 million (€413 million increase compared to 2022), with a 5.8% margin (up 210 bps compared to 2022). Adjusted EBIT of Industrial Activities of 818 million (€424 million in 2022) and margin at 5.2% (up 220 bps compared to 2022), with a strong price realisation throughout the year.

Adjusted net income of €352 million (€127 million increase compared to 2022). Adjusted diluted earnings per share of €1.23 (up €0.45 compared to 2022).

Financial expenses of 450 million (vs €206 million in 2022), increasing mainly as a consequence of higher interest rates, as well as the impact of the Argentine peso devaluation and of hyperinflationary accounting in Argentina.

Reported income tax expense of €153 million, with adjusted effective tax rate (adjusted ETR) of 28% reflecting different tax rates applied in the jurisdictions where the Group operates and some other discrete items.

Net cash of Industrial Activities at €1,852 million (€1,727 million at 31st December 2022), negatively affected by the higher than expected Argentine peso devaluation in December 2023; excluding this extraordinary devaluation, net cash of Industrial Activities was ~ €2 billion. Free cash flow of Industrial Activities positive at €412 million (vs positive at €690 million in 2022) primarily due to strong business performance, partially offset by the above mentioned currency devaluation. Investments of Industrial Activities up 25% versus 2022.

Available liquidity at €4,748 million as of 31st December 2023, up €384 million from 31st December 2022, including €2,000 million of undrawn committed facilities.

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