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携手并行 共探中国市场发展新机遇

2024-07-02 来源:互联网

Joining Hands to Explore New Opportunities in the Chinese Market


—Exchange Visit to the Ljubljana Stock Exchange

2024年6月,上海楚丞投资管理有限公司(以下简称“楚丞资本”)一行莅临卢布尔雅那证券交易所参观交流,楚丞资本董事长张玉龙先生和卢布尔雅那证券交易所的Mr Aš聚焦中国市场的发展态势与未来走向进行了一场深入且意义非凡的交流。在交流过程中,双方就中国市场的巨大潜力、丰富的投资机遇以及广阔的国际合作前景等关键议题展开了全面且深入的探讨。

In June 2024, a delegation from Shanghai Chucheng Capital Group (hereinafter referred to as "Chucheng Capital") visited the Ljubljana Stock Exchange. Mr. Zhang Yulong, Chairman of Chucheng Capital, engaged in an in-depth and meaningful discussion with officials from the Ljubljana Stock Exchange Mr Aš, focusing on the development trends and future directions of the Chinese market.

During the exchange, the two parties conducted comprehensive and in-depth discussions on key topics such as the enormous potential of the Chinese market, abundant investment opportunities, and broad prospects for international cooperation.


We understand that the position of the Chinese market in the global economic framework is increasingly important. Its large consumer base, continuously optimized and upgraded industrial structure, and unwavering commitment to reform and opening up have created unprecedented development opportunities for both domestic and foreign investors.

As a sponsor institution of the Ljubljana Stock Exchange, Chucheng Capital will continue to assist outstanding Chinese enterprises in going international.

The Ljubljana Stock Exchange will also strongly support and assist Chinese enterprises by providing more convenient financing channels to enhance their competitiveness and development.


Through in-depth communication with the Ljubljana Stock Exchange, we have further strengthened our belief in enhancing international cooperation, promoting resource sharing, and exchanging experiences.

The two parties reached a series of important consensuses on how to build closer cooperation bridges and jointly promote innovation and development in the financial sector.


In the future, Chucheng Capital will actively draw on international advanced experience, continuously improve and optimize its regulatory and management mechanisms, help Chinese enterprises obtain the pass for internationalization, and create a fairer, more transparent, and stable environment for domestic and foreign investors.

At the same time, we eagerly look forward to joining hands with the Ljubljana Stock Exchange and more international partners to jointly draw a grand blueprint for the prosperous development of the global financial market.

(图示为卢布尔雅那证券交易所和Mr Aš与张玉龙先生合照)

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