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MGA Entertainment and Zapf Creation AG Complete Merger Forming MGA Zapf Creation GmbH

2024-07-17 来源:MGA Entertainment

LOS ANGELES, July 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- MGA Entertainment and Zapf Creation AG Complete Merger 
Forming MGA Zapf Creation GmbH

LOS ANGELES; 16 July 2024 – MGA Entertainment, Inc. (MGA), one of the largest privately held toy and entertainment companies in the world, today announced that the merger with Zapf Creation AG (Zapf), Europe’s leading manufacturer of nurturing dolls, first announced in October 2023 has been completed, creating the new wholly-owned subsidiary MGA Zapf Creation GmbH.

“After more than 20 years working closely as two separate companies, Zapf Creation has joined the MGA family and we welcome them as a part of MGA,” said Isaac Larian, Founder and CEO, MGA Entertainment, Inc. “We look forward to growing both businesses and bringing smiles to children throughout Europe, the U.S., and the rest of the world as one company.”

The companies will work toward consolidating the businesses, taking advantage of opportunities like unifying our approach with retail partners globally. No significant organizational or operational changes are expected now or in the near future in Germany post-merger. To that extent, Thomas Eichhorn will remain President, MGA Zapf Creation GmbH.


About MGA Entertainment, Inc.
MGA Entertainmentis one of the largest privately held toy and entertainment companies in the world, known for its commitment to creativity, quality, and innovation. Headquartered in Los Angeles with offices globally, the company creates innovative, proprietary, and licensed consumer products and entertainment properties, including toys, games, dolls, apparel, consumer electronics, home décor, stationery, sporting goods, movies, and television series. The MGA family includes award-winning brands such as L.O.L. Surprise!™Little Tikes®Rainbow High™Bratz®MGA’s Miniverse™Yummiland™CarTuned™GrossMos!™Pixel Petz™Micro Games of America,  Fluffie Stuffiez™BABY born®, and Zapf Creation®. For more information, please visit us at www.mgae.com or check us out at LinkedIn,TikTok, Instagram and Facebook.

Alan Hilowitz
MGA Entertainment, Inc. / MGA Zapf Creation GmbH
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