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Motorq Partners with BMW Group to Deliver Powerful Insights to More Customers Worldwide

2024-02-23 来源:Motorq

SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 22, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --  Motorq, the leading connected vehicle analytics and infrastructure company, is partnering with the BMW Group, a global leader for premium vehicles, to offer their innovative data solutions for fleets. This global partnership gives customers access to insights that power cutting edge use cases such as driver safety, vehicle health scores, and the path to electrification.

Motorq offers a fast and secure way to monitor and track BMW fleets through their Connected Vehicle Platform: this enables hardware-free access to BMW data at the source. Motorq gives fleets an extra layer of critical insights that make sustainability, safety, and efficiency achievable for fleets of all sizes.

"BMW Connected FleetData’s innovative vehicle insights add unprecedented value to their customers across Europe,” said Arun Rajagopalan, CEO and Co-Founder, Motorq. “We're thrilled about the opportunity to serve BMW Connected FleetData and their customers via our connected vehicle insights."

The collaboration between Motorq and the BMW Group begins amidst a changing fleet landscape that is more connected and more electric than ever. Baseline insights such as fuel spend and vehicle location will be backed by OEM intelligence – data ingested straight from the manufacturer source. The collaboration will support important connected data use cases including driver safety and vehicle maintenance. Notably, it will also generate the business-critical EV insights that make electrification possible – everything from detailed charging information, battery health reports, and even home reimbursement programs for electric fuel down to the kilowatt.

BMW Connected FleetData and Motorq will work together to prioritize mission-critical vehicle insights that enable fleet efficiency and sustainability. The two companies are collaborating to achieve the shared goal of providing greater access to fast, reliable vehicle insights worldwide.

About Motorq
Motorq is the leading vehicle infrastructure and analytics software company that tells you everything you need to know about your fleet’s vehicles by connecting to them directly. Through partnerships with 12 of the largest global auto manufacturers, Motorq has unlocked billions of data points and counting to develop industry-defining benchmarks for EVs and ICE vehicles. 

Motorq’s solutions include Fuel EKG™, Driver Safety Scorecard, Electric Vehicle Battery Health, and Home-Charging Reimbursement.

Motorq is headquartered in San Francisco with presence in the United States, Europe, and India. For more information, visit www.motorq.com or reach us at contactus@motorq.com.

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