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Pomilio Blumm to oversee advertising and product promotion for De Cecco Group

2024-11-05 来源:BLUMM KNOWHOW S.R.L
Franco Pomilio Blumm

Franco Pomilio, President of Pomilio Blumm

Pomilio Blumm is the agency selected to collaborate with De Cecco on advertising communications, reinforcing the Abruzzo-based pasta company’s “brand narrative” strategy both in Italy and abroad. The partnership encompasses the conception, development, and execution of communication campaigns, as well as consultancy for media planning over the next two years, aiming to enhance the partnerships unveiled throughout 2024. Highlights include collaborations with Jannik Sinner, the Italian tennis player ranked world number one and De Cecco’s Global Brand Ambassador, along with SSC Napoli. The foundation for advancing current projects lies in a dedicated, rigorous commitment to strengthening the system of products, values, and ambassadors.

“The history of De Cecco is closely linked to our territory and, in many ways, to ours as well,” explains Franco Pomilio, President of Pomilio Blumm. “For this reason, we are pleased to share a joint growth project. This collaboration provides an opportunity to carry forward a significant narrative, projecting it into the future.”

Value storytelling is central to Pomilio Blumm’s mission. The agency, a leader in institutional communication, managed the largest nation-branding campaign ever undertaken by the Italian Government (worth €40 million), promoting Made in Italy values worldwide.

The De Cecco group, which recently confirmed Filippo Antonio De Cecco as its leader, approved its financial report, and presented a five-year plan aimed at reaching €1 billion in revenue, is set to solidify the growth achieved in recent years and consolidate its strategy.

“We are delighted to have Pomilio Blumm by our side, a company that champions values of excellence at an international level for prominent institutions,” notes De Cecco’s Chairman of the Board, Filippo Antonio De Cecco. “We are confident that together we can drive the ambitious path that our group has outlined for the future. This collaboration marks a significant milestone in the objectives that our organisations have set as the foundation for growth-oriented strategies.”

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