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2024-11-21 来源:互联网


Venerable Shi Huiwang, also known as Hongzhi, is a Research Fellow at the Boao Asian Art Talent Research Center and a member of the Ethnic Cultural Industry Committee of the China Traditional Culture Promotion Association. He was born on April 8, 1960, in Shanghai and was later adopted from the Shanghai orphanage by his foster parents and raised in Hebei Province. In August 1999, he became a monk under Master Wu Jun at Dingguo Temple. In 2002, he received the complete ordination at Longxing Temple in Fengyang County, Anhui Province.

In 2016, he was appointed the abbot of Shouning Temple in Wuan City, and in 2017, he was elected Vice President of the Wuan City Buddhist Association. In 2022, he was named Honorary President of the Huaxia Masters Calligraphy and Painting Academy and Vice Chairman of the Central Radio International Cultural Exchange and Art Committee. Additionally, he serves as Executive Vice President of the Century Dacai Feng Calligraphy and Painting Institute.

Shi Huiwang currently holds several prominent positions, including:

- Director of the Central State Organs Calligraphers Association

- National First-Class Calligrapher

- Member of the Chinese International Calligraphy and Painting Research Institute

- Member of the Chinese Calligraphers Association

- Chairman of the Council of the People's Calligraphy and Painting Newspaper

- Consultant to the Ceramics Calligraphy and Painting Arts Committee

- Member of the Wuan City Calligraphy Association

- Contracted Artist of the Confucius Art Museum

- Member of the Party History Education Working Committee of the China Red Culture Research Association

He is also a member of the Sinology Cultural Inheritance Working Committee of the China International Reportage Literature Research Association, Vice President of the Sinology Cultural Inheritance Working Committee of the China International Reportage Literature Research Association, and a member of the China Folk Art and Literature Research Association. Shi Huiwang has been honored with the title of “Master of Chinese Art.”

He also serves as the Executive Vice President of the United Nations Artists Association, a national inheritor of intangible cultural heritage projects, and Chairman of the Preparatory Committee for the China Zhouyi Association Research Base (Shanghai). Additionally, he is a specially invited academician of the World Intangible Cultural Heritage Research Institute, Image Ambassador for the United Nations Climate Conference, one of the “Top Ten Influential Figures in the World,” Chairman of the Jury of the Asian International Youth Film Festival, one of the "Top Ten Gold Medal Artists Influencing the World," and Chief Consultant of the China Zhouyi Masters Association.










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