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笔墨丹青·珍爱和平——国际和平艺术推选人物 封祖和

2024-11-22 来源:互联网

封祖和,字仲楼,1946 年生云南思茅人,云南普洱学院教授中国书法家协会会员。幼承家训:上大学攻读汉语言文学。六十余年读书、教书、习书至今,有书作收藏于中国国家博物馆、中央文献出版社、中国国际交流出版社、北京人民大会堂、台湾台北故宫、澳门国父纪念馆、曲阜孔子碑林、邓小平故居纪念馆、法国卢浮宫、美国世界艺术中心、纽约国宝银行、老挝国家政府日本秋田艺术馆、法国前总统希拉克、泰王国皇室等文博政要及海内外众多人士。书作传略入编《百年经典,中国书法全集》《传世书法卷,中国书法名家全集》《中国近现代书画选集》《中国著名书画家自作诗联墨迹集》《世界华人艺术精品典藏》《中国艺魂》《中国艺术大家》《中国当代书法家大辞典》《世界当代书法篆刘家大辞典》等多部书籍。获国际美术家联合会、世界书画家协会、世界华人书画专家教授艺术促进联盟等 16 家艺术机构共同签发授予《世界书画艺术名人证书》。受聘为世界书画家协会总会理事、中华国礼出版社荣誉社长、台北故宫书画院客座教授、香港特别行政区书画社名誉社长、故乡恩茅书协荣誉主席

Poetry and Calligraphy Collection of Zuhe Feng Overseas

About the author

Feng Zuhe,Zi Zhonglou,was born in Simao,Yunnan in 1946,Professor of Yunnan Puer College,member of Chinese Calligrphers Association.You carry on the family instructions,study Chinese language and literature at University.More than 60 years of reading,teaching and learning,there are books,for collection in the National Museum of China,Central,Literature Publishing House,China International Exchange Press,the Great Hall of the People in Beiing,Taipei,Taiwan,the Forbidden City, The Sun Yat Sen Memorial House,Qufu Kong,the Forest of Steles,the Deng Xiaoping's Former Residence,the Louvre Museum in France,the World Arts Centre in the United States,the National Treasure Bank of New York,the national government of Laos,the Akita Museum of art in Japan,former President Chirac of France,the royal family of the Kingdom of Thailand and many other cultural relics,dignitaries and people at home and abroad.The book is a compendium of the century's classics.Complete works of Chinese calligraphy volume handed down from ancient times.The complete works of famous Chinese calligraphers,selected works of Chinese calligraphy and painting in modern and Contemporary Times,ink colletion of poems and paintings by famous Chinese calligraphers and painters,world collection of excellent Chinese art works,Chinese art soul,Great Dictionary of contemporary Chinese calligraphers,great dictionary of contemporary Chinese calligraphers and great dictionary of Contemporary World Calligraphers.By the International Federation of Artists,the World Association of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy experts,art promotion alliance and other 16 art institutions jointly issued the "world caligraphy and painting art celebrity certificate.".He has been appointed as a member of the General Council of the World Association of Caligraphers and painters,honorary president of the

China Guoli Publishing House,visiting professor of the National Palace Academy of Painting and calligraphy in Taipei,honorary president of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Calligraphy and painting society,and Honorary Chairman of the Hometown Association of Simao.










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