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笔墨丹青. 珍爱和平 --国际和平艺术推选人物肖耀彩

2024-12-03 来源:互联网

肖耀彩,湖南益阳人,国家高级美术师,国宾礼艺术家,中国东方文化研究会研究员, 湖南省纪检监察系统书画家协会副主席,中国书画家联谊会新文艺群体书画家工作委员会理 事、副秘书长,全国书画艺术委员会副主席,亚洲国际青年电影节评审团主席。2024年9月授予“国际和平艺术家”荣誉称号,并由中外媒体联合发布。

读大学时因有美术特长被特招入伍,进入广州军区美术創作班。在部队,先后任放映组组长、陆军学院教员、学员队副政委等职。在解放军和武警部队报刊上曾发表了大量作品,《积极预防肠道传染病》获全军卫生宣传画一等奖,为解放军出版社出版发行全军军事工具书《轻武器射击手册》,解放军部队和武警部队《战术教材》《射击教材》《擒拿格斗教材》 绘制插图,教材发放至全国陆军和武警部队训练使用。

2018 年由北京荣宝斋出版社出版《肖耀彩中国人物画》画册。2019 年受美国国际文化艺术中心邀请,赴美国举办了个人画展。2019 年肖耀彩中国人物画作品,编入以“庆祝中华人民共和国建国七十周年 ”为主题的限量版珍藏邮册。2019 年一 2022 年作品被 14 个国家选为邮票图案,出版三本世界邮册。


1 、《肖耀彩中国人物画》荣宝斋出版社出版。

2 、百年巨匠,艺术典藏——《民族艺术名家肖耀彩作品精选》中国新闻联合出版社出版。

3 、絲绸画《伟大复兴 新絲路上的艺术家》中国国礼出版社。

4 、水晶琉璃册《中国艺坛榜样人物肖耀彩》美术档案出版社。

5 、水晶琉璃册《走世界的中国艺术家肖耀彩》美术档案出版社。

6 、《中国当代艺术家肖耀彩》书画卷。

7 、《中国聚焦当代艺术名家》本期人物肖耀彩。

8 、《中国美术家作品选》 肖耀彩。中国书画出版社 。

9  、中国艺术外交国礼珍藏版金书《新中国传世名家名作一肖耀彩》 。



1  、庆祝中华人民共和国成立 70 周年《中国艺术先锋  时代榜样人物  著名画家肖耀彩

向祖国 70 华诞献礼

2 ,世界邮票上的杰出华人《新时代  新文艺  新楷模肖耀彩》世界邮票纪念册

3 、世界邮票上的时代楷模《中国艺术名家肖耀彩》世界邮票纪念集

4 、与时代同行《传承民族文化的时代榜样肖耀彩》世界邮票纪念册。



1 、大国艺坛巨匠《肖耀彩范迪安名家作品集 》

2 、《当代艺术档案  功勋艺术家》(肖耀彩  沈鹏 靳尚谊)

3 、名家名作精品典藏《大道同行中国艺坛名家雅集》范迪安  何家英  苏士澍  孙哓云 肖耀彩

4 、庆祝中国共产党成立一百周年《中华国粹名人堂》 肖耀彩 王健林

5 、《金砖艺术家》世界文化出版社出版(艺术家代表)


1 、《中华非遗传承人物年鉴》中国文化出版社。

2 、《中国美术精品集》中国书画出版社。

3 、《中国美术通史》中国美术出版社 。

4 、《中国近现代美术年鉴》美术档案出版社。

5 、《中国当代书画名家大辞典》1949 一 2019 中国书画出版社 。

6 、《中国名家作品收藏与鉴赏》中国书画出版社。

7 、《中国近现代名人名家精品集》当代文艺出版社。                

8 、《中国书画家大百科》中国书画出版社。

9 、《祖国荣耀  新中国艺术传承大师》中国书画出版社  。

10 、《画卷中国》中国文史出版社  。

11 、《国家级书画代表性书画家名人录》文化出版社 。

12 、《中国新时代领航艺术家》中国书画出版社。

13《中国当代最具投资收藏价值艺术家》CCTV 传承名家。

14.《艺术百年.  当代书画史》中国书画出版社  。

15.《中国艺术领袖 》 中国美术出版社。  

16、《从北京到巴黎,中法艺术家——奥林匹克名家名作 》九天文学出版社。

17 、《 中国历代书画名家大辞典》 中国美术出版社。


Xiao Yaocai, a native of Yiyang, Hunan Province, is a national senior artist, a state guest artist, and a researcher at the China Oriental Culture Research Association. He serves as the vice chairman of the Painting and Calligraphy Association of the Hunan Province Discipline Inspection and Supervision System. Additionally, he is a director and deputy secretary-general of the New Literature and Art Group Painters and Calligraphers Work Committee of the China Calligraphy and Painting Artists Friendship Association, the vice chairman of the National Painting and Calligraphy Art Committee, and the chairman of the jury of the Asian International Youth Film Festival. In September 2024, he was awarded the honorary title of “International Peace Artist,” an honor jointly announced by Chinese and international media.

While in college, Xiao was specially recruited into the military due to his artistic talent and joined the Guangzhou Military Region’s art creation team. During his military service, he successively held positions as the head of the projection team, an instructor at the Army Academy, and the deputy political commissar of the student corps. He published numerous works in the newspapers of the People’s Liberation Army and the Armed Police Force. His work, Actively Preventing Intestinal Infectious Diseases, won first prize in the military health propaganda poster competition. He illustrated military textbooks, such as the Small Arms Shooting Handbook published by the PLA Publishing House, and instructional materials on tactics, shooting, and hand-to-hand combat, which were distributed nationwide for use in the training of the army and armed police forces.

In 2018, the Xiao Yaocai Chinese Figure Painting album was published by Beijing Rongbaozhai Publishing House. In 2019, Xiao was invited by the American International Cultural Arts Center to hold a solo exhibition in the United States. In the same year, his Chinese figure paintings were included in a limited-edition commemorative stamp album celebrating the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China. From 2019 to 2022, his works were selected as stamp designs by 14 countries, and three world stamp albums were published featuring his art.

Personal Art Albums:

1. Xiao Yaocai’s Chinese Figure Painting, published by Rongbaozhai Publishing House.

2. Centennial Masterpiece, Artistic Collection – Selected Works of National Art Master Xiao Yaocai, published by China News United Publishing House.

3. Silk painting Great Revival: Artists on the New Silk Road, published by China National Gift Publishing House.

4. Crystal glass album Xiao Yaocai: Role Model in the Chinese Art World, published by Art Archives Publishing House.

5. Crystal glass album Chinese Artist Xiao Yaocai on the World Stage, published by Art Archives Publishing House.

6. Xiao Yaocai: Chinese Contemporary Artist, painting and calligraphy edition.

7. China Focus: Contemporary Art Masters, featuring Xiao Yaocai.

8. Selected Works of Chinese Artists, Xiao Yaocai, published by China Calligraphy and Painting Publishing House.

9. Legacy Masters of New China: Masterpieces of Xiao Yaocai, a gold edition published by China National Gift Publishing House.

10. Xiao Yaocai, Representative of Golden Paintings in Chinese Contemporary Art: National Gift Painting “Laughter Fills the World, Fortune Fills the Home”.

Commemorative Stamp Albums:

1. Celebrating the 70th Anniversary of the Founding of the People’s Republic of China: Chinese Art Pioneer, Model of the Times: Famous Painter Xiao Yaocai’s Tribute to the 70th Anniversary of the Motherland.

2. Outstanding Chinese on World Stamps: New Era, New Art, New Role Model Xiao Yaocai, a world stamp commemorative album.

3. Role Models of the Times on World Stamps: Chinese Art Master Xiao Yaocai, a world stamp commemorative collection.

4. Traveling with the Times: Xiao Yaocai, Role Model in the Inheritance of National Culture, a world stamp commemorative album.

5. Role Model on Macao Stamps: Xiao Yaocai and My Country – A Tribute to the 75th Anniversary of the Founding of the Nation.

Celebrity Collections:

1. Grand Masters of the National Art Scene: Xiao Yaocai and Fan Di’an, a collection of masterpieces.

2. Contemporary Art Archives: Meritorious Artists (Xiao Yaocai, Shen Peng, Jin Shangyi).

3. Exquisite Collection of Masterpieces by Famous Artists: Walking the Great Path – A Gathering of Chinese Art Masters, featuring Fan Di’an, He Jiaying, Su Shishu, Sun Xiaoyun, and Xiao Yaocai.

4. Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China: Chinese National Treasure Hall of Fame, featuring Xiao Yaocai and Wang Jianlin.

5. BRICS Artists, published by World Culture Publishing House (as a representative artist).

Art Albums:

1. Yearbook of Inheritors of Chinese Intangible Cultural Heritage, published by China Culture Publishing House.

2. Collection of Chinese Art Masterpieces, published by China Calligraphy and Painting Publishing House.

3. General History of Chinese Fine Arts, published by China Art Publishing House.

4. Yearbook of Modern and Contemporary Chinese Fine Arts, published by Art Archives Publishing House.

5. Dictionary of Famous Chinese Calligraphers and Painters (1949-2019), published by China Calligraphy and Painting Publishing House.

6. Collection and Appreciation of Works by Famous Chinese Artists, published by China Calligraphy and Painting Publishing House.

7. Collection of Masterpieces by Modern and Contemporary Chinese Celebrities, published by Contemporary Literature and Art Publishing House.

8. Encyclopedia of Chinese Calligraphers and Painters, published by China Calligraphy and Painting Publishing House.

9. Glory of the Motherland: Masters of Chinese Art Heritage in New China, published by China Calligraphy and Painting Publishing House.

10. Scroll of China, published by China Literature and History Publishing House.

11. Directory of National Representative Calligraphers and Painters, published by Culture Publishing House.

12. Artists Leading the New Era in China, published by China Calligraphy and Painting Publishing House.

13. Chinese Contemporary Artists with the Greatest Investment and Collection Value, CCTV Legacy Masters.

14. Art Century: History of Contemporary Calligraphy and Painting, published by China Calligraphy and Painting Publishing House.

15. Leaders of Chinese Art, published by China Art Publishing House.

16. From Beijing to Paris: Sino-French Artists – Olympic Masters and Masterpieces, published by Jiutian Literature Publishing House.

17. Dictionary of Famous Calligraphers and Painters from Chinese History, published by China Art Publishing House.










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