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2025-02-06 来源:互联网









Wang Gongli, also known by his pen name Gong Li, holds a Doctorate in Art Studies from the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in France. He is a Member of the Chinese Academy of Arts and holds the title of Associate Researcher. Wang is a poet, writer, and master of contemporary calligraphy, recognized as a leader of one of the major schools of modern Chinese calligraphy. He was born in November 1946 in Huxian, Shaanxi, and now resides in Yixian, Baoding, Hebei Province. Wang currently serves as the Honorary President of the World Peace Promotion Association, the Honorary President of the World Art Aesthetics Union, and a Lifetime Member of the World Artists Association. He is also the Honorary President and Artistic Advisor of the Japan Artists Association, a Director of the China Calligraphers Association, Vice President of the Hong Kong China Calligraphers Association, and an Art Advisor to the Royal Art Foundation of the United Kingdom. Wang has been recognized as a "World Peace Cultural Ambassador," "World Confucius Literary Arts and Peace Ambassador," "National (Cultural) Image Ambassador," "Chinese Poet Image Ambassador," and "Chinese Art Image Ambassador."

In 2015, he was recognized as one of the "Top Ten Masters of Contemporary Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Schools," alongside other celebrated figures such as Xu Beihong, Qi Baishi, Zhang Daqian, Chen Shaomei, Guan Shanyue, Li Keran, Wang Gongli, Qi Gong, Shu Tong, and Liu Bingsen.

In 2019, the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in France awarded him the title of "World-Class Artist."

In 2020, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) honored him as one of the "Top Ten Most Influential Artists in the World" and presented him with the "Humanity's Shared Future World Peace Cultural Communication Award."

In October 2020, his calligraphy was awarded the Gold Medal at the "Mount Fuji International Art Award" in Japan.

In February 2021, Wang received the "United Nations Lifetime Achievement in Art Award" and the "United Nations Cultural and Art Medal," signed by the current Secretary-General of the United Nations, António Guterres. He was also bestowed the title of "World Artistic Merit Awardee."

Previously, Wang's calligraphy works had been exhibited in New York, USA, Berlin, Germany, and Moscow, Russia, winning gold medals at each exhibition. He has also been awarded national medals from the UK, the Netherlands, and Sweden, among others.

He has accumulated a total of seven international awards, not including his domestic honors.









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