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The Swiss cosmetics start-up that naturally protects the skin from the blue light of our smartphone

2025-03-13 来源:Kenzai Cosmetics

The Swiss innovation is celebrated at Rinascente in Rome, in presence of the store managers, the Ambassador of Switzerland and the brand Kenzai Cosmetics


Kenzai Cosmetics



ROME, March 13, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- We spend hours in front of smartphones, tablets, computers, and televisions—accompanied by an invisible presence: blue light, one of the main causes of skin ageing. To combat its harmful effects, Kenzai Cosmetics’ anti-ageing products are arriving in Italy. This Swiss start-up, through innovation, research and a composition of rare and natural ingredients, has developed products that act as a shield against blue light and the impact of pollution, particularly urban smog.  

The range of natural anti-ageing skincare products by Kenzai Cosmetics—introduced at La Rinascente—offers protection against blue light thanks to rare ingredients such as ectoin and bulbina frutescens sap. This innovative approach earned Kenzai Cosmetics the prestigious ‘New Brand of the Year 2024’ award at the European Natural Beauty Awards in Stockholm. Natural ingredients and sustainability are key elements of this Swiss company, whose Swiss-made label is synonymous with reliability and quality. The brand avoids chemical synthesis and alcohol, instead using natural Swiss Alpine water and prioritising circular economy principles in its packaging, including glass bottles and airless containers. Kenzai Cosmetics has also received the ‘Natrue’ certification, a quality seal awarded to natural and organic cosmetics made with GMO-free and 100% natural ingredients.  

The Swiss ambassador to Italy, Roberto Balzaretti, highlighted the importance of economic relations between Switzerland and Italy, particularly in the field of innovation, including the cosmetics sector: “Italy is a key trading partner for Switzerland, with a strong appeal for high-end brands. Swiss start-ups enjoy a reputation for excellence and innovation in Europe. Cooperation between the two countries helps promote young companies capable of revolutionising their markets.”  

“We are delighted with this partnership with La Rinascente in Italy,” said Barbara Darbellay-Moor, co-founder of Kenzai Cosmetics. “Italy is an important step in our international expansion.” Her brother, Stéphane Moor, who is also a co-founder of the Swiss start-up, spoke about the company’s early results in Italy: “They are excellent. We are very proud to be in Italy.”  

For La Rinascente, choosing a start-up brand like Kenzai Cosmetics—which embraces natural ingredients, innovation, and social commitment—is a strategic decision. “This is an increasingly crucial strategy for maintaining a solid and lasting reputation that generates value,” said Giorgio Caputo, store manager of La Rinascente in Rome’s Piazza Fiume. 

By positioning itself at the intersection of innovation, natural ingredients, and Swiss excellence, Kenzai Cosmetics is emerging as a pioneering brand in blue light protection—one of the key topics in modern beauty.

For more information:
Press Office LaPresse - ufficio.stampa@lapresse.it

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