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Philips aims to advance cardiac MRI technology through AI-driven research

Philips aims to advance cardiac MRI technology through AI-driven research
December 3, 2024 Collaboration intends to leverage proprietary AI technology from Philips and Mayo Clinic to target breakthroughs in ease-of-use and efficiency to bring high-quality diagnostic MRI ...

Avania任命创新运营策略专家Charlene Dark为新任首席运营官

Avania任命创新运营策略专家Charlene Dark为新任首席运营官
全球首屈一指的医疗技术咨询和临床开发合作伙伴Avania今天宣布任命运营策略专家Charlene Dark为首席运营官。 本新闻稿包含多媒体。此处查看新闻稿全文: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20241203176322/z...

Constellation Brands Agrees to Divest SVEDKA; Continues the Reshaping of Wine & Spirits Portfoli

Constellation Brands Agrees to Divest SVEDKA; Continues the Reshaping of Wine & Spirits Portfoli
ROCHESTER, N.Y., Dec. 03, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Constellation Brands (NYSE: STZ), a leading beverage alcohol company, today announced that it has reached an agreement with global spirits company ...

VistaJet Introduces 20 Culinary Gems in the Sky

VistaJet Introduces 20 Culinary Gems in the Sky
VistaJet Introduces 20 Culinary Gems in the Sky On its twentieth anniversary, VistaJet partners with 20 incredible dining establishments. Discovered by VistaJet’s Private Dining team, these hi...

BDx Data Centers推出印度尼西亚首个采用英伟达NVIDIA加速计算平台构建的主权AI数据中心

BDx Data Centers推出印度尼西亚首个采用英伟达NVIDIA加速计算平台构建的主权AI数据中心
Indosat Ooredoo Hutchison(简称“Indosat”或“IOH”)、Lintasarta和BDx Data Centers (BDx)的合资企业BDx Indonesia最近在印度尼西亚推出了一个AI数据中心园区。这个CGK4 AI园区利用可再生能源供电,其第一阶段部...

Pacific Green expands Australia footprint into New South Wales with strategic land acquisition

Pacific Green expands Australia footprint into New South Wales with strategic land acquisition
Sydney, Dec. 03, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --  Pacific Green, a global battery energy storage company, has secured a parcel of land in Wagga Wagga, New South Wales, where it proposes to establish its ne...

Nasdaq Study Shows Firms Turning to AI and Data Scientists to Enhance Regulatory Compliance

Nasdaq Study Shows Firms Turning to AI and Data Scientists to Enhance Regulatory Compliance
35% of respondents identified advanced technologies and AI as the main influences on their near-term compliance efforts As firms adapt to a changing environment, they are hiring more data scientist...


帝国大厦 (ESB) 今天宣布了深受粉丝喜爱的节日庆祝活动的详细信息,包括超炫装饰、节日快闪、经典电影放映和特别塔灯秀。 本新闻稿包含多媒体。此处查看新闻稿全文: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/2024...

STX Group Expands Its Biofuels Business With Strategic Acquisition of Marine Olie

STX Group Expands Its Biofuels Business With Strategic Acquisition of Marine Olie
Amsterdam, Dec. 03, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- STX Group, a leading environmental commodities and climate solutions firm, today announces the acquisition of Marine Olie, a leading trader of waste-base...

21X secures historic EU license to launch the first fully regulated blockchain-based trading venue

21X secures historic EU license to launch the first fully regulated blockchain-based trading venue
Frankfurt, Germany, Dec. 03, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- FRANKFURT, 0800 CET, 3rd December 2024: In a groundbreaking development poised to redefine global capital markets, 21X has become the first ever...

GCL收购Magusa Global Cargo,推动在拉丁演艺市场的进一步扩张

GCL收购Magusa Global Cargo,推动在拉丁演艺市场的进一步扩张
Rock-it Cargo的母公司、现场活动物流领域的全球领导者GCL今天宣布收购Magusa Global Cargo的业务,后者是总部位于迈阿密的专业物流供应商,也是拉丁艺术家公认的市场领导者。收购条款没有披露。此次公告恰逢一年一度...


09-09 中国人寿财险:践行风险减量服务 护航企业高质量发展
中国人寿财险:践行风险减量服务 护航企业高质量发展
为贯彻落实党中央、国务院关于安全生产工作总体部署和要求,确保国 [详细]
04-17 Essential Pharma Announces the Acquisition of Reminyl® (galantamine hydrobromide) Oral Capsules
Essential Pharma Announces the Acquisition of Reminyl® (galantamine hydrobromide) Oral Capsules
Essential Pharma Announces the Acquisition of Reminyl® (gal [详细]
10-31 邦克厨卫五金:新模式、双基地齐发力,形成差异化
近年来,随着增量市场的逐渐“缩水”,家装行业步入了存量时代,迎来全 [详细]
08-11 2024粤港澳大湾区校友经济新质生产力发展论坛在深圳举办 齐白石门人于鹏应邀出席并题字
2024粤港澳大湾区校友经济新质生产力发展论坛在深圳举办 齐白石门人于鹏应邀出席并题字
本报讯(记者 李茂娥 摄影报道)8月8日,“2024粤港澳大湾区校友经济新 [详细]