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Bitget Wallet 荣膺应用程序下载量榜亚军,紧追 Binance 之后

Bitget Wallet 荣膺应用程序下载量榜亚军,紧追 Binance 之后
Bitget Wallet 用户突破 4000 万,6 个月内增长 100%,成为超越加密货币交易所的 Web3 门户 维多利亚,塞舌尔, Oct. 18, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -  领先的 Web3 非托管钱包 Bitget Wallet 在 9 月份的应用程序...

Newest Micetro release unifies network infrastructure management with support for Cisco Meraki

Newest Micetro release unifies network infrastructure management with support for Cisco Meraki
Organizations can optimize their SD-WAN environments by centralizing DHCP for cloud-based applications and remote locations TORONTO, Oct. 17, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - BlueCat Networks, a leading provi...

Bipsync and Dasseti Partner to Streamline Research and Due Diligence Processes for Investment Manage

Bipsync and Dasseti Partner to Streamline Research and Due Diligence Processes for Investment Manage
Asset managers and allocators gain a competitive edge with data collection and research management solutions from Bipsync and Dasseti NEW YORK, Oct. 17, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Bipsync, a premier res...

LYB completes acquisition of solvent-based recycling company APK

LYB completes acquisition of solvent-based recycling company APK
Company welcomes additional recycling technology to its portfolio         Ambition to further develop solvent-based recycling technology and bring to commercial scale         Company secures future of employees...

Bright Peak Therapeutics Announces Dosing of First Patient in Phase 1/2a Clinical Trial of BPT567

Bright Peak Therapeutics Announces Dosing of First Patient in Phase 1/2a Clinical Trial of BPT567
Bright Peak Therapeutics Announces Dosing of First Patient in Phase 1/2a Clinical Trial of BPT567, a First-in-Class Bifunctional PD1-IL18 Immunoconjugate -- BPT567 is the first bifunctional PD1-IL18 ...

AskBio Announces 11 Presentations at the European Society of Gene and Cell Therapy 31st Annual Meeti

AskBio Announces 11 Presentations at the European Society of Gene and Cell Therapy 31st Annual Meeti
Research Triangle Park, N.C., Oct. 17, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --         Two oral presentations and nine poster presentations will highlight exciting progress in AskBio’s clinical and pre-clinical pipeline...

A "Meeting of the Minds" on Hybrid Work: Unispace's Annual Global Survey of 10,000+ E

A "Meeting of the Minds" on Hybrid Work: Unispace's Annual Global Survey of 10,000+ E
Working habits have evolved, yet the office itself hasn't kept up: Employees now seek workplaces that foster individual focus, rather than reserve concentration working from home NEW YORK, Oct. 17, 2...

US utilities to face significant challenge as power demand surges for the first time in decades

US utilities to face significant challenge as power demand surges for the first time in decades
Some regions in US to see 15% electricity demand growth through 2029; prices could escalate LONDON and HOUSTON and SINGAPORE, Oct. 17, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - US power demand has remained essentially...

Fortrea Releases Inaugural Corporate Social Responsibility Report

Fortrea Releases Inaugural Corporate Social Responsibility Report
DURHAM, N.C., Oct. 17, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Fortrea (Nasdaq: FTRE), a leading global contract research organization (CRO), today announced the release of the company's inaugural Corporate Social ...

达势股份-达美乐中国收益和利润双双增长 持续优化投资者结构

达势股份-达美乐中国收益和利润双双增长 持续优化投资者结构
达势股份-达美乐中国收益和利润双双增长 持续优化投资者结构 香港, 2024年10月18日 - (亚太商讯) - 近期,政府推出了一系列刺激经济和提振消费信心的政策,推动股市反弹。消费股在第三季度表现出色,领涨市场。其...


WS在数字化时代,营销策略的每一个选择都至关重要。海外营销认准乐乐【tg@SHKlele vx-Vai996B】作为一名在商界摸爬滚打多年的专家,我深知选择正确的工具对业务提升的重要性。而WhatsApp拉群营销工具,正是我做出的一...


WS在如今信息爆炸的时代,如何让你的消息脱颖而出,成为市场的亮点?这无疑是每个营销人员都面临的挑战。海外营销认准乐乐【tg@SHKlele vx-Vai996B】而WhatsApp拉群营销工具,正是你打破常规、创新营销的秘密武器。 ...
08-27 笃行低碳之路,科士达是如何炼就国家级“绿色工厂”?
  绿色工厂,是指实现土地集约化、原料无害化、生产清洁、废弃物 [详细]
07-24 悬壶济世谱大爱——当代医圣张培轩大师
在河南兰考,焦裕禄精神的发源地,有这样一位传奇人物一张培轩。1952 [详细]
02-07 助力金融消费者教育,信美相互人寿持续开展保险知识科普宣传
为了防止保险公司承担的风险过大,保险公司还有风险再保障制度,简称 [详细]
03-16 “中国白·德化瓷”国际巡展亮相纽约时报广场
新华丝路纽约3月15日电(记者兴越刘亚南谢锷)当地时间3月14日下午,20 [详细]