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Factory Customized Colored Carbon Fiber Sheets in Multiple Thicknesses (0.2mm - 10mm)

2024-12-11 来源:Carbon Fiber Sheets

Customize any sizes and any shapes as your requirements

Carbon Fiber sheet has extremely high strength, light weight, with shiny and clear appearance, widely used for many fields. Customized thicknesses and sizes are available. We supply all size to pre-cut panels, as well as customize any parts on your specification.

100% Carbon Fiber materials, smooth edges, either gloss or matte surface, and can choice black, red, silvery and any other colors what you need. Strict quality control, good quality, high cost-effectiveness。

we manufactured lots of drone frame parts, it is very popular products now, 100% carbon fiber materials, excellent quality, we can also customize any shapes according to meet your specification.




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